The Superconductivity Breakthrough: A Game Changer for Sustainable Tech Startups 

One of the most elusive and sought-after goals of modern physics could be on the verge of realisation. A team of researchers from Cornell University recently published a paper that could herald a new era in the world of sustainable technology. They claim to have taken a big step towards the “promised land” of room-temperature superconductivity. If realised, this promises to revolutionise various sectors, providing unprecedented opportunities for sustainable tech. 

Superconductivity, where a material conducts electricity with no resistance at all, has traditionally required conditions close to absolute zero (-273.15 degrees Celsius). Artificially creating these environments alone requires huge amounts of energy. Room-temperature superconductivity means the same zero-resistance at around 20 degrees Celsius, paving the way for more practical and widespread applications. 

Energy Transmission and Storage 

Superconductors allow for lossless energy transmission, eradicating the 5% to 10% energy lost as heat during power transfer through conventional conductors. Room-temperature superconductivity could lead to ultra-efficient power grids and superior energy storage technologies, slashing global electricity consumption. Startups pioneering in this space could reap significant rewards. 


In the transportation sector, superconductors are key to levitated trains known as Maglevs, offering frictionless and efficient travel. With room-temperature superconductors, the implementation costs and complexity could be significantly reduced, leading to wider adoption and greener transportation solutions. There could also be huge ramifications in the EV charging industry. Solutions using superconductivity could lead to much faster, more efficient chargers, further strengthening the case for the uptake of electronic vehicles.  

Medical Technology 

Superconductors play a critical role in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and other medical equipment. Room-temperature superconductors can make these machines more energy-efficient, compact and cost-effective, thereby making advanced healthcare more accessible. This offers a significant market for sustainable tech startups focused on medical technologies. 

Computing and Data Centers 

The computing world could also benefit enormously. Superconductors allow for faster and more energy-efficient processors and memory chips, reducing the environmental footprint of data centres. This is a ripe field for startups offering sustainable solutions for the IT sector. 


Telecommunication systems could become more reliable and energy-efficient with room-temperature superconductors. This could result in fewer dropped calls, lower energy consumption and the possibility for more complex signal processing. A new generation of startups could emerge to harness these benefits in telecommunications. 

Scientific Research 

Superconductors are vital tools in the scientific world, used in particle accelerators and sensors. Room-temperature superconductors would make these tools cheaper and easier to use, accelerating scientific research.  

Environmental Impact 

Room-temperature superconductivity is a boon to sustainability. It presents a solution to reduce energy waste, build green transportation, develop energy-efficient technologies, and drive scientific research towards greener solutions. The reduced energy consumption could significantly impact carbon emissions, aiding the global fight against climate change. 

A wider consideration, particularly from an environmental perspective, would sit around the materials required for this technology and how they would be sourced. The quest for room temperature superconductors has spurred interest in a myriad of materials, some of which are rare or challenging to extract. The environmental ramifications of obtaining these materials are significant. The exact materials required are a matter of extensive research. Here are some that have been discussed in recent years: 


One of the most promising discoveries came from studying hydrogen sulphide doped with carbon (H2S with a trace amount of carbon). When subjected to high pressure, it exhibited superconducting properties near room temperature. Later, other hydrogen-rich materials, like lanthanum hydride (LaH10), showed similar promise under high-pressure conditions. 


These are copper-oxide ceramics that become superconducting at temperatures higher than the traditional superconductors but still require cooling, albeit not as much as the older materials. Examples include yttrium barium copper oxide (YBa2Cu3O7) and bismuth strontium calcium copper oxide (Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox). 

Iron-based Superconductors 

Discovered in 2008, these materials (often referred to as “pnictides”) include layers of iron and a pnictogen (elements of Group 15, like arsenic or phosphorus). Examples include LaFeAsO1-xFx and BaFe2(As1-xPx)2. 

Organic Superconductors 

These are made of carbon-based molecules. While they don’t currently achieve room-temperature superconductivity, they’ve provided insights into how electron pairing might occur in other materials. 

Topological Superconductors 

These are materials in which the surface can conduct electricity without resistance, even if the bulk of the material does not. While still a developing area of study, these materials have the potential to revolutionize both superconductivity and quantum computing. 

Magic-angle Twisted Bilayer Graphene 

A more recent discovery where two sheets of graphene are rotated at a “magic angle” to each other, leading to superconducting and insulating behaviours. This has opened new avenues of research into unconventional superconductivity. 

 As the promise of room temperature superconductivity beckons, it’s imperative that its expansion aligns with sustainable sourcing practices. Startups and established firms alike will need to ensure that the green promise of this technology doesn’t come at the planet’s detriment. 

The journey to achieve practical room-temperature superconductivity is fraught with challenges. These range from understanding the fundamental mechanisms behind superconductivity to the complexities of material production and integration. Economic factors, safety concerns due to high current capacities, limitations from magnetic fields, and the need for purity and structural perfection further complicate the path forward. Additionally, transitioning from our current non-superconducting infrastructure to one based on these new materials would require significant investment and might face resistance from established industries. Despite these hurdles, the transformative potential of room-temperature superconductors ensures that research in this domain remains a top scientific priority. As we prepare for a future where sustainability is paramount, this breakthrough could be a game-changer, paving the way for innovation and growth in the world of sustainable technology. Tech startups that can harness room-temperature superconductivity will stand at the vanguard of a revolution in sustainability, offering immense possibilities for our future. 

The discovery of room-temperature superconductivity is more than a scientific achievement; it’s a practical advancement with real-world applications. From energy efficiency to greener transportation solutions, this breakthrough has the potential to make a meaningful impact across various sectors. For businesses, innovators, and those invested in sustainable growth, it’s an area worth watching. Stay informed and consider the possibilities. The future of superconductivity is here and it’s room-temperature. We, for one, are looking forward to exploring what it means for us all.