The future of transportation – a greener tomorrow

We’ve spoken about the First Movers Coalition (FMC) before. Now we want to dig into some of the commitments they have set and look at how this may impact the future of transportation.

The IPCC says that limiting global temperature rises to 1.5 degrees Celsius depends on cutting emissions by 45% in the next eight years.

Among the FMC commitments are pledges to purchase zero emissions heavy duty trucks, sustainable aviation fuels and direct air capture.

With the size of the logistics industry as it is, the fact that huge players such as Amazon, Apple, Boeing, Bank of America and DP DHL are involved is a huge bonus.

The vision of the FMC is to create the environment for speedier innovation. Boosting demand by pledging to buy green will turbo-charge the pace of development.

This solves an age-old problem in the world of sustainability, excellently explained by Soren Skou, chief executive of Maersk:

In a 2021 World Economic Forum panel, Skou said “We’ve tried to solve the chicken and egg situation. Today, there’s no one producing green fuels for shipping because no ships are using it. At the same time no one is building green ships because they can’t buy the fuel. But I’m a big believer in creating demand and a market. We’ve ordered what will eventually become 12 ships, and I need to find 500,000 tonnes of green fuel by 2025.”

The cost premium that is passed through to customer will be “negligible” according to Skou, who also pointed out that the majority of customers will be contributing their own environmental targets as a result of these moves.

So, what impact will this have on the wider future of transportation?

Well, if the statements from the FMC members are to be believed, the demand for the supply of green technologies and green fuels will see a huge boost in the coming years.

A part of this landscape is also the idea of green infrastructure. With the transportation of goods and services a huge part of the environmental picture, and rightly so.

This will lead to the growth and development of the green marketplace. New, innovative businesses coming to market with greener, more efficient solutions.

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